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— TED Technology

Alma TED for hair loss.

Ultrasound-based technology.


Our Commitment to Excellence

At Effloressence, we utilize Trans Epidermal Delivery (TED) technology for our hair restoration services. TED is an effective and safe emerging technology in hair restoration that has proven itself by delivering long-lasting results in just a few sessions while preserving the integrity and health of our clients’ hair.

Clinically validated in over 20 published studies, this technological advancement represents a perfect fusion of science and beauty, enabling the restoration of thick and luxurious hair without undesirable side effects. This method has shown excellent results for sparse beards or eyebrows.


Alma TED Technology

TED is the first non-invasive method and the only low-frequency ultrasound system combined with air pressure to deliver a serum to the hair follicles and improve hair growth. It treats the entire scalp, eyebrows, and beard.

This combination is designed to increase blood flow, optimize scalp health, and stimulate hair follicles to produce thicker, stronger, and healthier hair.

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— Expected results

The benefits

Stops hair loss

Accelerates hair growth

Increases hair density and strength

Anchors follicles for long-term results

The entire scalp, eyebrows, and beard can be treated

Expected results range from stopping hair loss to regrowth in bald areas, as well as the recovery of thinning hair.


In a recent clinical study, Alma TED demonstrated the following results:

This advanced method, which improves blood circulation, has been clinically validated in over 20 published studies.

TED+ Serum

Hair Care Serum

Formulated to promote hair growth, thickness, and anchoring, TED+ serum is applied to the scalp during treatment.

Developed by a world-renowned pharmaceutical research laboratory, the innovative formula of TED+ Hair Care Formula is composed of carefully selected active ingredients. These ingredients work synergistically for thicker, abundant, and radiant hair. The hair regains vitality, shine, and, most importantly, density thanks to this advanced formula.

The device

Patented TED Technology with Impact Delivery.

The patented tip of Alma’s TED device uses air pressure to create a unique recoil effect, designed to enhance treatment results when used in combination with topical products. Alma’s TED device’s patented tip has been registered with the United States Patent Office (patent number: US 10 238 849 B2) and was developed using Impact Delivery technology.

State-of-the-art technology

TED: Ultrasonic Resonances

Ultrasound enables the delivery of active ingredient serum through the skin: without injections and painlessly. This is where the name T-E-D or Trans Epidermal Delivery technology comes from. The TED ultrasound phenomenon occurs through acoustic sound waves that create gas bubbles in the stratum corneum (the skin’s natural barrier). These bubbles expand the lipid bilayer, allowing the serum to be delivered deep for optimal absorption. The active ingredients of the serum pass through the skin’s initial layers and reach the follicles located in the dermis.

— Before and after
Before and after



Our experts will provide personalized advice by assessing your scalp, your haircare routine, and your lifestyle.

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